Editor : Sukesh Kumar Sarker, Director General (Secretary to the Government), National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD)

Editorial Board Member(s) : 1. Prof. Dr. Mahbubul Mokaddem, Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, 2. K M Ali Reza, Additional Director General, NAPD, 3. Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman, Director (Research & Publication), NAPD, 4. Engr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Director (Admin & Finance), NAPD, 5. Md. Hasan Tarik, Director (Training), NAPD

List of Volumes

Vol 32, Issue 1, 2023

Vol 31, Issue 1, 2022

Vol 30, Issue 1, 2021

Vol 29, Issue 1, 2020

Vol 28, Issue 1, 2019

Vol 27, Issue 1, 2018